insomniac shortbread

Okay, okay, so I don't mean to steal Insomnia Cookies' brand name, but bear with me here. For those of you who are not aware, Insomnia Cookies are a fabulous invention that await at a college campus near you! And for those of you who are at college, then you are in luck, my friends. Basically, there is this shady-looking truck that lurks in dark corners in front of college dorms and social centers...example: The Michigan Union, South Quad, West Quad, etc. You go up to the shady little window, knock the secret code, and there you will find the most delicious cookies of multiple varieties at your purchasing convenience! there's no secret knock, but that would be pretty sweet if there was. But anyway, basically Insomnia Cookies is your tool to successful study-fuel; your go-to sweet treat if the
stress is hot n' heavy and midterms are among you.

And now it sounds like I am writing a commercial for Insomnia Cookies. I mean, they are
delicious, don't get me wrong, but when you really come down to it, it's this simple relationship that helps me chose which cookie to buy when I've got the urge:

No offense, Insomnia, but just look at that wacky cookie you've got going on there. Sheesh. Modernity is really taking its toll on the cookie industry. What's this world coming to?!

Wow. Am I off topic or what? But this is totally legit because it is very late at night, and I am putting off this terrible lab report that is due tomorrow at 5pm. It's 1:30am, FYI. But as my friend Elizabeth says, "If you only have 15 hours to finish a lab report, it can only take you 15 hours." Such wisdom, that girl has. Ah, the life of the college student. Welcome to my world. :)

So sometime between 10 and 11pm, I thought it'd be a brillant idea to bake something, that mayhaps baking would take my stress away...magically leaving me with the sudden inspiration to type brilliant motor control-related conclusions.


Dang it. But I did get a yummy new bar-cookie out of this unproductive night, which I am calling Insomniac Shortbread in honor of my mad procrastination abilities.

Insomniac Shortbread
Altered from La Fuji Mama's
Brown Sugar Shortbread

1 stick butter
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup brown sugar
White chocolate chips
Raspberry preserves

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray an 8x8-inch pan with nonstick cooking spray.

Mash together the butter, flour, and sugar. Press into bottom of pan. Spread as much preserves as you'd like over cookie. Sprinkle on those chocolate chips. Really, any kind would taste fab here. Be creative!!!

Bake for 18-20 minutes, or until brown around the edges. Devour as you please. I swear I won't judge you.


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