week of the sandwiches

This is the BEST bread in the entire, entire world. Seriously, people. Go to your local Great Harvest, ask for a loaf of Honey Whole Wheat, pay them the $5, and then run home and make yourself a sandwich. Quick. Do it. NOW!

It might also be the fact that Great Harvest is a little nostalgic for me. Back in the high school days (ahhh....that was nearly FIVE years ago!) my cross country team would make "GHB runs" after practice. This meant that whomever drove us to practice that day would dump off the car-load of girls (ohh, high school memories of packing eight people into a compact....) in front of Great Harvest Bread Co. We would proceed to run into the store, snatch a free sample of fresh bread (and one for the driver, of course), race back outside, into the car, and speed off back to the high school where our coach was waiting for us to do our push-ups and sit-ups. And he had no clue about our GHB runs......yeah, right. ;)

So this week's dinners have been 100% sandwiches made on GHB honey whole wheat. Last night's had olive tapenade, roasted broccoli, and mozzarella. Tonight's? Sliced acorn squash, roasted broccoli, and mozzarella. Doused with spray butter, of course. Only the best. :)


Lizzy said…
wow- I LOVE great harvest. my problem is I'd eat the whole loaf in just a few days!
Yep....that is wayy too easy to do!!

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