end of hiatus, I swear

Behold, I bring tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people....


Wow....you have no idea how naked I've felt for the past month when I couldn't find my camera charger. Where did I eventually find it? At home-home in the basket of chargers, of course. Sigh. So many baking adventures that were not documented in the past month - especially during the stressful finals-time! Oh well. Fortunately, it is Christmas vacation - WAHOOO - so much baking will be done :)

While no baking has been done yet, here are some Christmas-y pictures for your viewing pleasure. And did I mention that I am BEYOND excited to have my camera back?! It's a Festivus miracle!

Oh, hello, Patti's toes.


Lizzy said…
Yay! So excited to hear about your future baking adventures! Don't forget about me. ;)
Unknown said…
Christmas week means all are busy in all their decoration and celebration stuff. Never the less, great work, keep it up.

r4i karte

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