blog revival.....round 3? 4?

Well, hello, my fair readers from far and wide!  It has been a little bit over four years since I have written in this lowly blog, so I apologize for the rather long hiatus - if we can call it that. Hibernation seems to be much more appropriate. However, your wayward author has decided to resurrect patticake and give it a facelift.

BEHOLD, I give you: chomp and circumstance! A young girl's strange, erotic journey from Milan to Minsk!

Not really. More like a 30-something's musings of travel-whoring both domestically and internationally as well as the things she eats along the way. Which, by the description, could be equally as erotic, however, I promise you that it isn't. chomp and circumstance (blog edition!) is inspired by my new-ish Instragram account (follow me!!! @chompandcircumstance) so it obviously made sense to link the two (duh).

So....who's still with me out there?!!


That's okay. We'll get there.

But for starts, let's talk about how the social media sphere has changed OH SO SIGNIFICANTLY within the past four years. Dude, it's a crazy world out there. Linking our 'grams, wordpress blogs, tweets, Facebook business pages, etc. Posting and gettin' all dem "likes"! Honestly, I'm feeling like I should've kept up on the social media train because I could've been a mad-good influencer by now. I was bloggin' before it was cool, y'all! Oh well. We win some, we lose some.

Side note: anyone else out there actually think in emojis now? Like at the end of that last paragraph, I desperately wanted to use "shrug girl" emoji, but then realized I couldn't and had to use (God forbid) my words. That's how quick social media has changed in the past four years, folks.
So here we are, four years later, a wee bit wiser, a lot more jaded about the world, but still loving food and adding a lot more travel to the mix. So here we go. Resurrection round 3 (or is it 4.....?) Hang along with me for the ride!


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