delicious birthday gift, part 2

So prepare yourselves for a slew of sandwich-inspired recipes in the very near future. First recipe attempt from Margaux Sky's "Beautiful Breads & Fabulous Fillings"? Homemade peanut butter....wahoo!

First step was food processing-up the peanuts, and they actually "stood up" along the side of the food processor. Very strange.

And as you continued and added olive oil, it eventually got creamy after a few minutes.

Yum. I really love peanut butter. I will always have a soft spot for Jiff, but this stuff has no chemicals and tastes like you're nom-ing on a dry roasted peanut. And the best way to eat peanut butter, you ask? With a banana, of course. :)

Nut Butter
Taken from "Beautiful Breads & Fabulous Fillings"

8 oz. unsalted peanuts, almonds, or cashews - if you use salted nuts, reduce salt to 1/8 tsp.
1-2 tbsp. olive oil
1/2 tsp. salt

Place the nuts in a blender or food processor and blend for about 2 minutes or until the nuts cling to the sides of the machine.

Turn off the machine, and add the oil and salt.

Turn it on, and blend for 1 minute more, or until creamy. If the mixture seems dry, add a little more oil and process until it's the consistency you like.

Store any extra nut butter in an airtight container in the redrigerator.

Yield: About 1 cup


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