college eats, week 1: peanut butter oreos

I am officially back at U of M, and so begins the eight months of strange eating habits. Wahoooo. If we're lucky, hopefully I'll try to write one post a week....each week featuring a delicious or funny food.

This week? Oreos with peanut butter. And they're even better when there's homemade peanut butter sandwiched in between that delicious cookie. And look!! I managed to perfectly split the cookie, schmear on the peanut butter, and top it with the other half of the cookie. Look at those beautiful layers! One of my new roommates, Janine, laughed when she saw me bust out my camera and take pictures of this beauty mid-bite. Guess they'll have to get used to my quirks, haha.

Oh, how I love love peanut butter. :)


Lizzy said…
omg. It goes without saying, YUM!!!

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