italian [heart attack] cream cake


The cake. Of heart-attackness. Of deliciousness.

Of coconutty, cream cheesy goodness.

Of oozy, yummy, creaminess.

....and now I feel like I'm writing a story-time book for little people under the age of five.

Yes, my friends, this was one heck of a cake. You need to make this cake, serve it in very small slices, and devour. I got this recipe from the infamous blogger, The Pioneer Woman. My step-mom, Lisa, loves her, so she inspired me to browse her blog after my trip with her and my dad a month or so ago. And damnnn, can that Pioneer Woman cook! And take pictures! I am in love with her pictures. :)

Anyway, I will most likely make this cake again, but next time, I will definitely cut back on some of the ingredients that just were unnecessary, but did make the cake extra decadent. Such as....the cup of vegetable oil (maybe half apple sauce, half veggie oil next time?) and the cup of sugar. However, if you do decide to give this cake a whirl in your mixer, I suggest that you follow the recipe the first time, and then make alterations based on your health needs. ;)


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