easter shenanigans

It came. The day where you eat as much dessert as you possible desire came. Oh....and the day JC rose from the dead! Hehe.....c'mon, you know he probably loved desserts, too. ;)

But look at that pretty spread. We had crab dip, pistachios, Italian coffee-cake-like bread (with hard-boiled eggs baked into it), and CHOCOLATE. Yay for unhealthy appetizers. Oh, and Marianne's infamous Mountain Holler, aka the Yooper version of Mountain Dew.

Marianne and my aunt, showing off the bread that they didn't make.....

The madre....showing off the cheesy, eggy, Easter pie. That she, also, didn't make. Looks like they like to take credit for these baked goods, huh?

There's my Papa!!! :) He likes his red wine.

Ahem, excuse me, sprinkles. It's time for your close-up. Marianne just discovered the macro setting on her camera when I was taking this picture since she asked me how I get close-up pictures so clear. She was in awe. And I really don't know how she lived without knowing a macro setting even existed! I think....I would have died if I had never met mine.

My Easter basket!! Everyone got one at their table setting.


Green beans almondine and sweet potatoes and carrots and tortellini alfredo and ham and cheesy potatoes.



How brave of him to pose in a picture with the Cake of Death: Heart Attack Edition.

And my slice was entirely consumed. I got no shame. I fear no heart attack. Muah ha ha!

Picture of a picture.

Okay, she told me NOT to post this for all the world to see because she thinks she has a double chin.

Dear Marianne,
1. You are not large enough to have a double chin, hon.
2. Your smile is flippin' adorable!!
3. I'm posting it anyway.
Love, Patti

Isn't he just adorable?! I discovered him in my Easter basket. This little bugger winds up and runs across the table and freaks out your unsuspecting elderly relative.

Hope you all had a fab Easter :)


Marianne =) said…
I just randomly clicked on your blog and was like WHOATHERESME!! thanks Patti :D

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